Name: Laura Hucke
Age: 23
Job: Hostess/Server at a country club and Blogging Intern at HaveUHeard
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, writing, reading, thinking, and shopping.
Philosophy: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Goal(s): To be happy in all facets of my life, to be proud of who I am, and to figure out what I want to pursue as a career.
Additional Info: I am extremely liberal, and I identify as an atheist. That being said, I respect everyone's right to believe whatever they choose. I do not force my opinions or beliefs on anyone else, and I expect the same courtesy.

Height: 5'1"
Starting Weight: 155 lbs
Current Weight: 134 lbs
Diet: Low carb/sugar
Skin Type: Combination/Oily
Hair Type: Long and layered, thick, normal-to-dry, medium brown (never been dyed)
Additional Info: I do not like seafood or anything that is spicy/seasoned too heavily, so none of my food ideas or recipes will include those elements.

Music: I like pretty much anything except country, opera, and death metal. Almost anything else is fair game for my mixes. My iTunes library runs the gamut from mainstream to ultra obscure.
Movies: Garden State, (500) Days of Summer, The Wizard of Oz, and the Batman trilogy
TV: The Good Wife, Smash, Homeland, Pretty Little Liars, Shameless, The Lying Game, and True Blood
Reality TV: So You Think You Can Dance, Project Runway, The X Factor, and Dance Moms

I have an introductory post that details my motivations for creating this site, HERE.

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